
State Secretary at the Ministry of Economy, Science and Digitalisation

Dr. Jürgen Ude was born in Magdeburg in 1958. After studying Materials Technology in Magdeburg, he started his career as research associate at the office for standardization, metrology and product examination. After receiving a doctorate in engineering in 1991 Dr. Ude worked as research associate for Materials Technology at the University Magdeburg and then led the research department of Metallwerke Harzgerode GmbH. From 1999 until 2016 he worked as managing director of the corporation for business development and innovation Harzgerode and from 2008 until 2016 as managing director of the Innovation and Start-Up-Center Magdeburg. Since Jan. 1th 2017 he is acting State Secretary in the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Sciences and Digitalization of the State of Sachsen-Anhalt. Dr. Ude is married and has two children.