
Redesign of the web pages

Our aim is to make the web pages of the state portal informative, accessible and as user-friendly as possible.
That is why we have improved our previous menu navigation, made the layout clearer and more contemporary and provided a search function. Thanks to their responsive design our web pages now also fit compactly on tablet PC and smartphone screens and are easy to use as well.

Currently available standard browsers optimise the quality of the display of the web pages of the state portal. With older browsers there may be deviations in the quality of the display. For reasons of data security we recommend you should use only the latest versions of browsers.

We make every effort to implement the required adaptations to the contents as quickly as possible after the technical changes have been made to the new layout.

To facilitate your use of our services information is available here about the contents and structure of the websites in the state portal, as well as information on Accessibility and search function, tips on using our Events Calendar and additional software. To find out how to order publications and how to contact us click on Publications.


Click on the “Sachsen Anhalt” logo on the top left of the page to get to the Homepage of the state portal

The field for the full text search is at the top right of the page in the browser window.

The social media icons in the right hand column will take you to the different websites of the state government in the social networks.

On the Homepage there are 3 main headings which are arranged across the page in the upper area of the browser window:

  • State of Saxony-Anhalt
  • Initiatives and opportunities
  • Online Services

These main headings are also termed “sections”. These sections are divided into various subsections which are displayed when you click on the respective section. Additional topics are displayed when you click on many of the subsections.

The topics are clearly laid out and arranged according to content. You can see at any time in the click path navigation which topics you have clicked on to call up the current document within the portal.

The latest press releases are listed on the Homepage.
There are also direct links to the web pages of the ministries, the State Parliament and to the Events Calendar.

There is an additional main navigation bar with individual sections on the web pages of the different ministries, authorities, service portals and campaigns. These topics are arranged across the page below the “Sachsen-Anhalt“ logo. On some pages you can find further information or direct links in the right hand column.

Marked, underlined words in the text are so-called links, i.e. links to other, additional or explanatory web pages which you can access by clicking on the link. An external web page is identified by an arrow symbol. The linked page in these cases is opened in a new browser window.

Search function

There is a search function in the state portal which you can access via the URL or via the search field at the top right of the page in the browser window. The search field is a white box which contains the word “Search” and is denoted by a magnifying glass symbol.

The search function is a general full text search. When you enter a search word into the search field, all files and web pages in the portal containing the word you entered are found. The results are displayed for you as a list in a new window.

You can then refine the search results by using the following criteria:

  • Topics (e.g. state portal, picture database, events database,....)
  • File format (e.g.pdf, Word, image, Excel, event,…)
  • Period of search (e.g. the last 24 hours, last year,...)

Search tips:

  • Search for groups of words (e.g. “School without Racism”)
  • Use synonyms (e.g. picture and photo)

Some sections contain their own search functions which display the search results from their own section only. These special search functions are available, for example, in the “Publications” and “Events Calendar” sections.


The web pages of the state portal have been created and are continuously revised in accordance with the provisions of the German Barrier-Free Information Technology Ordinance under the state’s Equality of Treatment of Persons with Disabilities Act.

We make every effort to ensure that all contents, especially pdf and multimedia files, are accessible. This does not apply to documents created before 2002, nor to files whose contents are available in alternative forms. Files that have not been created so as to be accessible are identified accordingly.

If you find you cannot access contents on our web pages, please inform us of the accessibility problems you encountered and where you encountered such problems.

We go to great lengths in regularly checking the accessibility of our online offer and making changes in accordance with your comments on accessibility.

If you come across pdf documents whose contents you cannot access, you can also contact us directly. Our online editorial team will make every effort to make the contents available to you in another form as quickly as possible.

Additional functions

In redesigning the state portal we have made a range of new functions available to you.

Print size and contrast

Do you have difficulty reading the print because, for example, it is too small or to bright? If so, you can change the print size and contrast by clicking on the symbol "A+” to increase print size and on the symbol “black-white” to adjust contrast. These symbols are located at the top of the page on the right hand side.

Site reader

If a site reader function is not installed on your PC, you can use the integrated screen reader function.

The site reader function “Readspeaker” is denoted by a loudspeaker symbol in the state portal.

You can find the symbol on the web pages on the right hand side next to the heading. If you click on the symbol, the text on the page will be read out to you.

If you click on the loudspeaker symbol, a control field appears at the top of the page on the left hand side in the browser window.



The control field enables you to:

  • pause the screen reader function and restart it
  • stop the function
  • adjust the volume
  • download the audio file by clicking on “Download”

You can also listen to a text excerpt by selecting a part of the text and then clicking on the loudspeaker symbol. The loudspeaker symbol appears next to the cursor. After you have clicked on the loudspeaker button, the screen reader automatically starts to read out the selected text.

In the settings menu you can:

  • choose to have the text highlighted as it is read out
  • choose to have sentence for sentence and/or word for word highlighted
  • choose the colour and type of the highlighting
  • choose whether the text excerpt currently being read out is displayed in a text box at the bottom of the page in enlarged print and is highlighted.
  • set the speed at which the text is read out between slow, medium and fast
  • choose whether the page is automatically scrolled downwards as the text is read out
  • choose whether the read out button is displayed where text excerpts have been marked
  • restore all values to their default values

You can also listen to the setting options by clicking on the read-out button which is located at the right hand upper corner of the setting window.


Additional software

You will need additional software such as a pdf reader to display some contents. You will be given the opportunity of downloading additional software at the appropriate point.


There is an Events Calendar under the “Online Services” section. Alternatively, this can be accessed via a direct link on the Homepage.

A search function is provided here that searches only within a section and whose searches you can refine by adding the following information:

  • Keyword
  • Location of the event
  • Duration (from, to)

The events found will be displayed under the search field. Information will be given about the location, time and type of the event (e.g. reading, theatre, exhibition, workshop, festivals, courses,....)

In addition, there is a quick search on the right hand side which will give you an overview of the events taking place today, tomorrow or in the next 7 days.

You can also search throughout a region for forthcoming events.


The Publications section can be found under “Online services” where you can order publications direct or download them as files.

Many publications are available on topics such as politics, financial and economic matters, taxes, demography, social affairs and transport.

All the publications are displayed in a table. You can use the internal search function across all publications to refine the search or to make a targeted search for special publications.

Some publications can be downloaded as a file in pdf format. These are identified by the symbol of a downward pointing arrow. This download symbol is then displayed in the fourth column of the table.

Other copies can only be ordered and cannot be downloaded. These are denoted by the symbol of a shopping basket.


Please send any questions or comments to the online editorial team of the press and information office of the state government in the State Chancellery or to the press offices of the responsible ministries, lower levels of the administration and institutions

Alternatively, you can use our Contact form which you can find on all portal pages via the corresponding link at the foot of the page. The link is marked with the “letter” symbol.