
Sachsen-Anhalt as a system supplier for intelligent energy und resource management

European and global climate protection requirements and the sustainable handling of dwindling resources provide the industry with new challenges. The production of regenerative energy must be marketable. Industrial production processes must run flexibly and with an efficient use of resources.

Sachsen-Anhalt is considered a leading federal state in the use of renewable energies and scores with an established advantage in technology when it comes to regenerative energy systems. In cooperation with intelligent uses of information and communication technology and innovative mechanical engineering, Sachsen-Anhalt offers pioneering system solutions.

The companies and research facilities in the state form a competence centre concerning generation, integration, storage and efficient use of energy. Along with the development of renewable energies, intelligent solutions for energy-optimised production processes are being developed. Through the infrastructural and systematic networking of energy production plants, production companies, recycling companies and service providers, pioneering Industry 4.0 (Advanced Manufacturing) models are being developed.

The „Run-of-River Power Technology Competence“ network develops state-of-the-art hydroelectric power stations, even for flowing waters with slight inclines. Mobile systems allow electricity to be generated where it is needed, while taking into account environmental constraints.

Under the management of the Fraunhofer Institute  for Factory Operation and Automation IFF Magdeburg, the ER-WIN Innovation Cluster is developing solutions for an intelligent, energy-efficient and resource-efficient regional value added chain in industry. The objectives are industrial parks, which enable more sustainable and economic production with energy-efficient structures and an intelligent networking of the companies settled on the site.

WIGRATEC+, a powerful alliance of companies and research facilities, maps the entire value added chain of fluidised bed and granulation technology. Sachsen-Anhalt emerges as a system leader here from the development to the construction and operation of fluidised bed plants. The development of automated fluidised bed procedures for process optimisation and quality assurance have international significance.