
Demographic change as a driver for innovation in Sachsen-Anhalt

The health economy is one of the most important growth markets. Independent living in old age with a high level of quality of life is increasing in importance. Lifestyle, environmental and age-related diseases are providing medical technology, neurology and immunology with new challenges.

Sachsen-Anhalt’s timely addressing of the challenges of demographic change is a significant national and international knowledge advantage. Independent, fulfilled living in old age in Sachsen-Anhalt is a future model.

In terms of the development and manufacture of innovative medical products, Sachsen-Anhalt is already one of the established locations. The research and development competences are in the fields of neurology, immunology, oncology, minimal-invasive diagnostics and treatment, biomedicine and the pharmaceutical and vaccine industries. In the state-wide medicine and healthcare technology cluster (Med-Tech), companies, associations, universities, research facilities and university hospitals work together. The aim is to strengthen the innovation capability in the field of health management and to promote the development of pioneering, medical products and procedures together with medical personnel. 

The STIMULATE research campus at the Otto von Guericke University in Magdeburg is a beacon in the research and development of imaging minimal-invasive diagnosis and treatment methods. The German Centre for Imaging Medicine (Deutsches Zentrum für bildgestützte Medizin) is being established in Sachsen-Anhalt.

As part of the “Autonomy in Old Age” (Autonomie im Alter) state project, countless products for neurosciences and medical research into aging are being supported. The focal points here are the human aging process, the early recognition of dementia, nursing, telemedicine, prevention and nutritional research and the emergence and treatment of widespread diseases. A model region for independent living in old age is being established in Sachsen-Anhalt.