
Sachsen-Anhalt -The Land of Culture

Sachsen-Anhalt has a remarkable cultural landscape. UNESCO has not only granted the Bauhaus in Dessau the status of a World Heritage Site but the Old Town of Quedlinburg and the Luther-related sites in Wittenberg and Eisleben as well, along with the Dessau-Wörlitzer Garden Realm. And there are many other special cultural heritage attractions in Sachsen-Anhalt. For example, the Nebra Sky Disk has become famous; a sensational archaeological find, it documents that the cultural roots of central Germany stretch back into prehistoric times. The anniversary of the Reformation is an important occasion for the region. The posting of Martin Luther’s theses will have its 500th anniversary on October 31, 2017. This will be an opportunity for Sachsen-Anhalt to present itself as the “Land of the Reformation” nationally and internationally. The Luther Decade accompanies this major event.
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The cultural life of the present ranges from interesting exhibitions to literary events, all the way to theater productions and impressive concerts that are definitely worth seeing. The state’s museums offer multifaceted attractions, including numerous exhibits and collections.

The MDR and the Sachsen-Anhalt Kulturserver data network, among other sources, provide information on current cultural events. The spectrum covers everything from the traditionally minded cultivation of Baroque music, to social culture, all the way to contemporary art. This culturally rich and scenic state also offers very attractive filming locations, which have been developed for movie and TV productions.