
Growth stimulation through den integration of overlapping fields of innovation: bits, bytes and creativity

In the digital era, Information and Communication Technologies are the cornerstones for production improvements through optimised processes both for new and expanded business models, ultimately for cross-industry innovations.

The state of Sachsen-Anhalt has become established as a recognised ICT location. Research and training centres, like the Universities Anhalt, Merseburg and Harz as well as the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg and the Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg serve to ensure skilled personnel are secured within the state. Industry giants, such as IBM and T-Systems, are investing in new sites in Sachsen-Anhalt and benefiting from the proximity to universities of applied sciences and universities.

Application-oriented software “Made in Sachsen-Anhalt” is used in many pioneering industries. Efficient network technology, data security, mobile solutions and satellite-supported preparation and use of geodata are essential for technical developments. 

High-tech stimuli for product and process innovations are provided through microsystem technology and nanotechnology. Based on these key technologies, innovation potentials can really be developed, for example in terms of plastics technology, the solar industry and energy storage.

Regional innovation projects find a spiritual source in the Creative Industry of Sachsen-Anhalt, just as the Creative Industry complements technical innovations with a high creative demand. With the internationally recognised Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design, the design-focussed courses at the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences and the Central German Multimedia Centre (Mitteldeutsches Multimediazentrum) in Halle, Sachsen-Anhalt offers a high level of education for the next generation of creative professionals. The industrial design industry has the potential to develop into the leading branch of the Creative Industry in the state. For this reason, cooperative relationships between industry and the Creative Industry form an important component for innovation processes and are supported accordingly.