
Advantages of Citizenship

Like any country, the Federal Republic of Germany grants its citizens advantages that are not readily available to foreigners. At the same time, citizenship represents a commitment to Germany and its values. If you’re living here long-term, there are many good reasons to be naturalized:

  • You become a citizen of Germany on an equal footing, with all rights and duties.
  • You have the right to vote and run for office (active and passive electoral rights in community, state, federal and European elections).
  • You have open access to all professions.
  • You enjoy equal protection in all the systems of social security.
  • You enjoy freedom of travel within the European Union.
  • You have an easier opportunity to take jobs in other countries of the European Union.
  • You enjoy more relaxed travel and visa requirements for many countries outside of Europe.
  • You no longer need a residence permit and do not need to go to foreign consulates or embassies for the issuance of a passport.
  • You receive diplomatic protection abroad.