
Culture Policy in Sachsen-Anhalt

The cultural policies of the state of Sachsen-Anhalt must involve substantial efforts to preserve the state’s rich cultural heritage. At the same time, it is essential to do justice to the current trends in cultural development. The financial resources for this are limited. There are no panaceas. Instead, appropriate solutions must be sought for situations involving a variety of different problems. In this context, cooperation between partners with contradictory interests is gaining importance as an option. The state’s principles of cultural policy are being continually developed in a dialog with associations, experts and community partners. A cultural convention (german) has been held for this purpose. The recommendations of the convention form the basis for the new State Cultural Plan 2025 (german). The State Cultural Plan is combined with events in the CULTURE FORUM. In this way, a constructive dialog should be possible with the partners (with professional associations and, for example, with the Sachsen-Anhalt CULTURE CONFERENCE, german).

Cooperation and Networking

As part of a national collaboration, the state of Sachsen-Anhalt is working collectively within the Conference of Ministers of Education (KMK) on a solution to cultural-political challenges that cross state boundaries. Among other things, this includes efforts on behalf of cultural assets, joint efforts by the states to secure the cultural heritage of Eastern Germany, and attempts to optimize the federal-state relationship in the promotion of culture. At the same time, Sachsen-Anhalt makes contributions to national and international policies (german) in cooperation with the federal government. Important sources of information on the national cultural policy are networked over Germany’s cultural portal (german). Sachsen-Anhalt is also home to the German Federal Cultural Foundation. The so-called “Cultural Beacons” of Sachsen-Anhalt in particular represent national culture at the European level. Artists as well as cultural institutions from Sachsen-Anhalt are also featured at at numerous guest performances and cultural events abroad. Goethe Institutes are often their partners in these activities.