
Sachsen-Anhalt is bringing dynamism to mobility of the future

Increasing global demand for mobility, the resulting infrastructure bottlenecks, growing environmental pressures and dwindling oil deposits require innovative, pioneering traffic solutions. Energy-efficient, low-emission vehicles, manufacturing technology and intelligent, multimodal traffic systems will define the future market.

With its high-performance supplier industry for automobile manufacturing and its application-oriented research, Sachsen-Anhalt has the competence to develop sustainable solutions. 

A piece of Sachsen-Anhalt is in every German-built car. With technical innovations in drive technology, aluminium and polymer-based lightweight components and in the field of e-mobility, Sachsen-Anhalt has established itself as a centre of competence for the automotive supply industry. Existing clusters, such as MAHREG Automotive and ELISA (Electromobility, light and intelligent – an initiative for Sachsen-Anhalt) cooperate with university and non-university research facilities to develop sustainable developments to production stage.

An ultralight wheel hub motor for electric cars “Made in Sachsen-Anhalt” is the result of close cooperation between the Otto von Guericke University and its industrial partners as part of the Electromobility and Lightweight Construction state initiative. The project is a model for technical advancement due to Sachsen-Anhalt’s research competence.

The Institut für Kompetenz in AutoMobilität – IKAM GmbH in Magdeburg and Barleben is central to industry-oriented research and development in the automotive sector. Research fields include drive technology, e-mobility, lightweight construction and measurement and test engineering. 

With the “Smart Mobile Energy” label, advances are being made on the automotive research focus and networking of various participants. Intelligent traffic systems are researched and developed to reorganise traffic efficiency and safety sustainably with the existing infrastructure.